Let's break this down into hour-by-hour.
Hour 01: Project Set Up
We'll start off by setting up a new project for "The Corridor". We'll go through some Editor Settings, create a new level and bring in "The Corridor" assets into the project. This is probably the shortest hour out of the ten.
As a side note, you should already have preproduction completed prior to starting any project. Such as collecting reference, designing a top-down layout and basically knowing exactly what you want to create.

Hour 02: BSP Block-In
In the BSP block-in stage we'll create the layout of the environment using nothing else but BSP geometry following a top down sketch. We'll keep brushes simple to create a prototype of the level without being distracted on visuals and details that comes with Static Meshes. During BSP block-in we'll judge scale, proportion to define the layout of the level.

Hour 03: Static Meshes
We'll use "The Corridor" Static Meshes that come with this series and begin to replace all BSP brushes. We'll use BSP geometry as a guideline to follow for Static Mesh placement. By the end of the two videos we'll be left with only Static Meshes and no BSP brushes. Third hour is focused on working with major structural architecture defining meshes.
Please note that we won't be actually modeling these Static Meshes - that is a different pipeline for another series. We'll use included Static Meshes that come with this tutorial series to construct this environment.

Hour 04: Detailing
We'll begin to use minor and decorative Static Meshes such as pots, plants, trash can, emissive light strips, paintings on the wall and signs.
We'll insert props and use decals to detail the rest of The Corridor to make the environment more unique and believable.

Hour 05: Pre-Lighting Prep
In this hour we'll prep the environment to be lit. We'll remove all temporary lights; insert reflection capture actors, Lightmass Importance Volume and fix any geometry to eliminate light leaks.
We'll end up with a completely dark environment ready to be lit.

Hour 06: Ext Lighting Scenario
We'll focus on lighting "The Corridor" for daytime or exterior lighting scenario.
We'll start with a Directional Light (primary light) then add secondary and fill-in lights to complete the lighting process. We'll tweak various light properties, Build lighting and update Post Process: Auto Exposure/Eye Adaptation property. We will also add Atmospheric Fog and Exponential Height Fog to finish off the atmosphere of the level.

Hour 07: Int Lighting Scenario
In this hour we'll focus on lighting "The Corridor" for nighttime or interior lighting scenario.
We'll take a different approach than for exterior lighting. We will start with a set of Point Lights (primary light) then you'll add secondary and fill-in lights to complete the lighting process. We'll tweak various light properties, Build lighting and update Post Process - Auto Exposure/Eye Adaptation property. We'll use Directional Light to create a subtle effect for Moonlight and add various additional lighting details using Emissive Light Strips.

Hour 08: Post Processing
We'll start to update Post Process volume to change scene colors and overall visual effect of the environment. Primarily we will use Color Grading technique that will give you full control over how your scene colors look in Unreal Engine 4. For Color Grading we'll use Photoshop and create a color look-up table (LUT) to import into UE4.
We'll do this for both exterior and interior lighting scenario.

Hour 09: World Settings and Final Build
In this hour we'll focus on World Settings and building the environment on Production Quality lighting. We will adjust various World Settings to improve how lighting is calculated and baked inside the environment.
We'll compare results from before and after to make sure that the updated settings are making the level look better. We will finish by building everything on highest visual setting using Production.
We'll do this for both exterior and interior lighting scenario.

Hour 10: Flythrough and Screenshots
In final hour we'll create a video flythrough using Matinee editor. We will set up two camera flythrough with fade-in and fade-out. All of this will be completely done inside Unreal Engine 4.
We will then render an .avi video file and take high resolution screenshots of the environment.

Please note that the running time of all the tutorials are 4 hours; 10 hours is the framework in which The Corridor is constructed.
NOTE: Use it only for Educational Purposes.
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