SVGAssets - Unity Asset free download


SVGAssets is a runtime library for reading SVG files and render them on Texture2D objects.

For projects that need to run across a wide range of devices, with different resolutions, SVGAssets simplifies your life: a single SVG file is enough, you won't need to maintain multiple copies of the same texture image, at different resolutions, anymore!

Automatic generation of sprites from SVG files

- Really optimized texture atlasing, built at runtime on the target device

- Automatic deployment system: textures removal and regeneration on the target device

- Final player file size reduction, avoiding bitmaps deployment at all!

- Separate rendering of first level groups (SVG 'g' tags)

- Based on the robust AmanithVG SRE rendering engine

- Really high antialiasing quality: analytical pixel coverage

- Really fast rendering: 30ms tiger on Nexus4 at max resolution

- Support of SVG Tiny 1.2 specifications with the exception of animation, text, images

- Support of some SVG Full 1.1 features: radial gradients, gradients spread modes, path 'd' attribute complete syntax, inline styles.

- Cross platform: desktops (Win, OSX, Linux), mobile (iOS, Android), 64bit support!

The package includes a standalone SVG player based on the SVGAssets technology; this player allows you to test SVG assets before to use them inside your Unity projects. 

NOTE:  Use it only for Educational Purposes.
Please buy it from its owner, If you like it.

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